Educational Web/Mobile Application – Connecting Students to Tutors

The south African educational system is faced with multiple challenges that have an overreaching impact on the entire South African society as it is through education that a nation can achieve and maintain growth and development.

Some of the challenges include but are not limited to:

  • Lack of basic amenities, infrastructure and learning resources in South African townships and rural schools
  • Non-efficient use of resources with little accountability and transparency.
  • Limited basic pedagogic and content knowledge competencies from a large number of teachers needed to impart the skills needed by learners specifically in math and science related subjects
  • No culture of reading from learners and a lack of motivational push to learn from the community and families
  • There is a shortage of experienced and trained math and science teaching staff in disadvantaged townships and rural schools
  • Limited or non-existent exposure to new technologies with their potential.


Following the above-mentioned difficulties, we at Walikale engineering Africa propose an innovative solutions to alleviate some of the challenges faced by schools in disadvantaged and rural Why o areas. The solution aims at providing learners an outlet where they will be exposed to information and communication technologies, could interact with competent and experienced tutors and interact with learners from other parts of the country (or the continent) sharing and discussing experiences. Additionally, with the use of renewable energy to power the proposed system we aim to inform and inspire the young generation on the use and importance of renewable energies technologies.


The primary objective of the proposed system is to provide high school learners access to experienced tutors to complement the teaching obtained from normal school activities. Schools in townships and especially in rural areas where access to computer and internet connectivity limiting the learners’ exposure to the highly important technological advances of the current century is a major disadvantage and obstacle for a transformed post-colonial and post-apartheid society.



Tutoring to a whole new level.

Connecting Students to tutors.

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